A Better Economy,
A Brighter Future

Vote Tuesday, November 6th

About Bob Gibbs

Bob Gibbs comes from Ohio roots, graduating from Bay Village High School before being a member of The Ohio State University’s Agricultural Technical Institute’s inaugural graduating class. A few years later, Bob founded Hidden Hollow Farms.

As Bob ran his own business, he saw the damage unnecessary overregulation can do. This led Bob to get involved, advocating for Ohio’s farmers and eventually serving the agricultural community as president of the Ohio Farm Bureau.

But Bob saw there was more to be done. His commitment to his community and the State of Ohio drove him to serve in the Ohio House, where he became a leading advocate for property rights and lower taxes.

Bob has taken that fight to Washington, where he has brought the fight to bureaucrats attempting to curb the rights of property owners and take more money out of the pockets of hardworking Americans. Bob Gibbs is an Ohioan, a family man, and a leader in the fight for a stronger, safer, and more prosperous America.

What Bob Gibbs is Doing for Us

When American Families are Strong, America is Strong

Lowering Taxes

Bob Gibbs cut taxes for American families, saving the typical family of four 58% and doubling the child tax credit to help with the costs of raising a family.

Bringing Jobs Home

Tax cuts are helping get our economy growing again and letting Americans keep more of their hard-earned paychecks. Bob is fighting to ensure American companies bring jobs back home and American workers have the opportunity to compete on a level playing field in the global market.

Fighting the Opioid Epidemic

Our families are hurting. Every day more people are affected by the opioid epidemic, but Bob Gibbs is standing up for us. He’s supported efforts to expand addiction treatment and to increase funding for all of America to fight the epidemic. He’s also cracking down on drug traffickers.

Securing the Border

A safe and prosperous America means strong and secure borders. Bob is working to stop the flow of illegal immigration and reform our immigration system to end the visa lottery. Bob is committed to building the wall on our southern border and cracking down on “sanctuary cities” that are letting dangerous criminals roam the streets.

Rebuilding the American Military

America is facing real threats, and Bob is fighting to make sure we are always ready to meet them. He is getting our military personnel the best equipment and training, ensuring they receive the most significant pay raise in nearly a decade, and reforming the VA so that when our veterans come home, they get the care they deserve, the care they earned.